So really I'm just going to tell you about one crazy experience this week...
I was on exchanges on LSU campus. We were on bikes and began biking to institute. It looked a little stormy but like it was a little bit away and we would make it. So we started biking. About 7 minutes into that, it started DOWNPOURING!!! There are no words. More like a torrential, windy, mini hurricane style rain. We were instantly drenched and there was really nothing to do but keep going. So bike we did. We felt so epic. Oh, except I'm pretty sure I got water up my nose. What? I don't know how long we biked like that. Felt like forever, but was only about 20 to 25 minutes. Once we were on campus, we were biking through it the shortest way (I think, it's kind of huge). We went to cross a street, I biked down off a curb (it's just about dark now) when all of a sudden I just stopped. And not just stopped... I kind of nose-dived. I didn't know what had happened! I kind of caught myself and didn't completely biff it or anything. I was so confused, and then I bike chain. Yup, I've gone off a 100 curbs, but on this one my chain just came right off. I flipped that bike over so fast to fix it. I've never had a lot of luck with fixing those, but my motivation to fix it was big, that plus some inspiration, and that was the fastest fixed bike chain ever! We should’ve won some medal or something! haha So I ripped up my left shoe pretty good from my foot slamming into the ground, and some sweet bruises I discovered later, but we made it totally fine. So there's my epic story for the week.
Most of my stuff got ruined in my "water proof" bag. There should be a disclaimer on those water "proof" tags that says something to the effect of, "anywhere BUT in Louisiana”. Is anything water proof in Louisiana!?! That unfortunately includes my camera... so (side note: William, how much do you love me? I forgot to put it in my note to you, but are you using your camera much these days? I just need one to last me a little longer! You know how I love pictures. However, if you are using it, don’t be afraid to say no. Seriously. I'll figure out plan B. And yes, it was in rice for quite awhile.)
Anyway!! Also, I carry scriptures in each language, even though I'd prefer to just carry my mission Spanish set. I tell you that because all my scriptures are side by side in my bag. I have a mini English Book of Mormon and a Spanish mini Bible that are even in the same pouch inside my bag. And guess what?! All my English scriptures were water logged like crazy!!!! But my Spanish ones, including that little Bible? Not a wrinkle. Ok, now that is a sign! Haha, so I was grateful those are intact. I don't teach much with them these days but they're important to me, and I figure I'll just get some other new sticks when I get home. :)
So that's my epic story. It's always an adventure with me! :)
Sorry I'm so short today. Know that I love you all.
Hermana Marks
P.S - Also, Claudia started to read the Book of Mormon right after I left! So exciting!! And I got to see her, and she came to church. I thought it would be forever before she picked up the scriptures but she's reading both and texting us questions!!! Figured you'd want to know. Other that that... on transfer day the hermanas found out that Rob got into anti and now doesn't want to be baptized, read the Book of Mormon, etc. And on it goes with people. But Claudia is that silver lining this week!!!!! Especially since anti has been one of her big problems. Hope!
k love you bye